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Airbus H130 (VT-ISG)

AIRBUS H130 is an intermediate Single-Engine helicopter tailored for passenger transport, sightseeing and VIP duties, as well as medical airlift and surveillance missions. As one of the quietest helicopters in the skies, the H130 sets the standard for tourism operations worldwide. Its very low sound level is 6 dB below the ICAO requirement and remains quieter than the most restrictive limits defined for flights over national parks, wildlife reservations and urban areas. The wide, unobstructed cabin can accommodate the pilot and up to six passengers, providing outstanding visibility through a large wrap-around windshield and wide windows. With the open-space cabin, passengers aboard can enjoy spectacular views from their forward-facing seats. Rear passengers are comfortably seated on a raised theatre-style platform. On top of ample cabin room and panoramic view, the Active Vibration Control System and improved air conditioning contribute to the H130’s unbeatable level of comfort.
YOM : 2016
YOR : 2021
Seating 01 Crew + 06 Pax or 02 Crew + 05 Pax

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